machine vision integration

Why do you need a machine vision integrator?

Imagine you want to build a house. You could try to do it all yourself, but it would be a lot of work and you might not end up with a very good result. It’s kind of like trying to set up a machine vision system on your own. A…

How many type of visual inspection are there?

There are generally four main types of visual inspection methods used in industrial and manufacturing settings: Manual Visual Inspection: This is the most basic form of visual inspection, where trained human inspectors visually inspect products or components for defects. It relies on the skills and experience of inspectors. Automated Optical…

Magnetic core surface detection-machine vision inspection using deep learning

Magnetic cores are key components in power electronics and electromagnetic devices, and are widely used in various power transformers, inductors, motors, generators, electronic inverters, switching power supplies and other equipment. Magnetic cores can effectively regulate and convert voltage, concentrate and guide magnetic fields, improving equipment performance and efficiency. In addition,…

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