what is machine vision

What is the difference between machine vision and AI?

Machine vision is primarily focused on solving specific visual problems, such as identifying objects, detecting defects, or tracking movements in images and videos. It is often used in industrial and manufacturing settings, where it helps automate tasks such as quality control or robotic guidance. Machine vision systems are designed to…

What is an example of a machine vision inspection?

Imagine that your orange farm has just picked a lot of oranges of varying quality. You need to sort these oranges into different piles according to specific attributes and sell them at different prices. What would you do? The traditional way is to hire some workers to inspect oranges one…

What is machine vision system in simple terms?

Machine vision systems are relative to human vision systems. In simple terms, it uses industrial cameras (equivalent to human eyes) to capture images of objects, and then processes the images through algorithms (equivalent to human brains) to make judgments about objects. For example, a pile of apples, you can tell…

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