custom automated mechanical machines

Laptop interface manufacturing customers visit Intsoft Tech

In the highly competitive market, maintaining production efficiency and quality control is crucial. Recently, Intsoft Tech partnered with a leading laptop interface manufacturer to help them upgrade the visual inspection system on their production line to meet the latest order requirements. As a technology company focused on industrial automation and…

How vision systems are used in manufacturing: Enhancing Efficiency, Quality, and Automation

In the ever-evolving world of manufacturing, vision systems have emerged as a transformative technology, revolutionizing the way production processes are performed. These advanced systems leverage the power of machine vision, combining high-resolution cameras, sophisticated algorithms, and data-driven analytics to deliver unprecedented levels of efficiency, quality, and automation. Here’s how vision…

Machine Vision Inspection of Reflective Objects

In industry, high-gloss materials are used to process some workpieces with high flatness and high surface requirements, such as mobile phone logos, light guide plates in military equipment and other products. The following figure shows Intsoft Tech detecting defects for the Apple logo. This type of workpiece itself is mirror-reflective,…

Engine block machine vision inspection-automotive parts visual inspection systems

Achieving both quality and efficiency is paramount for manufacturers to keep pace with the evolving automotive industry. Engine block inspection is a critical area in which sophisticated technologies contribute significantly to quality without compromising production volumes. Machine vision systems are driving this revolution and helping automakers easily verify the integrity…

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