design vision sorting machine

Why do you need a machine vision integrator?

Imagine you want to build a house. You could try to do it all yourself, but it would be a lot of work and you might not end up with a very good result. It’s kind of like trying to set up a machine vision system on your own. A…

SMT patch machine vision positioning guidance

SMT patch machines are the core equipment of the modern electronic assembly industry. They are widely used for surface mounting of electronic components, making the manufacture of electronic equipment faster and more efficient. High-performance patch machines generally use vision positioning systems. Through the visual recognition system, different components can be…

Intsoft Tech design vision sorting machine

Final commissioning of inspection equipment for automotive metal parts Next week, this metal parts inspection equipment will be sent to our customers in Los Angeles. Our colleagues are stepping up deep learning training for defective parts, so our customers can spend as little time on training as possible when using…

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